- Hello World (js.info)
- code structure (js.info)
- functions (Guo video)
- javascript.info
- variables & primitive types (Guo video)
- values
- operators & values
- javascript.info
- tutorialspoint summary
- order of operations & coercion: equalities, arithmetic
- arrays: getting started
- arrays: pop/push, shift/unshift
- arrays: native methods
- arrays: mutating vs. non-mutating methods
- objects: getting started
- objects: literals & properties
- objects: dots vs. brackets
- reference vs. values
- advanceder (from js.info)
- deeper into arrays & objects
- variable scope (Guo)
- jl: block scope
- sitepoint: lexical & block scope
- codeburst: lexical & block scope
- hyf: conditionals
- javascript.info
- Truthy & Falsey:
- So many of them!
- javascript.info
- interactive examples
- For's vs While's:
- While vs Do While:
- performance -> standard for loop
- statements vs expressions
- expressions vs. operators
- Over Views:dev.to, flaviocopes, lib.ru
- In Depth: MDN, 2ality
- Assignment vs Comparison: Overview (study with PyTut), This isn't just a JS thing
- event loop
- [What a heck is the event loop anyway] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ)