-forgot to strip trailing dot in ptr
-added better checking for IPv4 -added ability to get PTR record for IP
-added Team Cymru AS documentation
-fix as
-none error :(
-Added JSON 'error' if AS was successful or not
-Except AttributeError if unable to find AS in Maxmind DB -Added Team Cymru AS Lookup
-Except AttributeError if unable to find AS in Maxmind DB
-Log fix
-Changed to lookup_whois function for ipwhois as old one is going to eventually be removed
-Some IPs returning none for maxmind geoip
-FML...array geo-points are [longitude,latitude]—the opposite order!
-With ipwhois version 0.11.2 allows to not use whois for cyrmu and only dns in order to not get blacklisted and if it fails. -Set Maxmind DBs to only update second tuesday of every month. Technically just looks to see if its greater than 14 days since download -Added ability to grab AS Name & Number from Maxmind DB instead of having to do an online lookup -Added logging and removed prints -Using HTTPs maxmind database now
-Using with open file instead of just open.
-Added whois raw information
-Minor changes
-Fixed home directory for windows or linux
-Added pprint for examples
-GD unicode returns from MongoDB -removed some unnecessary print newlines
-initial commit