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Remote Shuffle Service Standalone Mode


In addition to running on the YARN and Kubernetes cluster managers, remote shuffle service also provides a simple standalone deploy mode. You have to take care of restarting failed processes and resources allocation during operation in this mode.

This page mainly introduces two methods to start a standalone cluster:

  1. Start a cluster with management scripts. With this method, cluster management becomes easier. After simple configuration, you can easily start ShuffleManager and ShuffleWorker with one line of command.
  2. Start ShuffleManager and ShuffleWorker one by one with separate commands, which facilitates independent management of individual components.

The followings are two important config options to be used:

Argument Meaning
remote-shuffle.manager.rpc-address The network IP address to connect to for communication with the shuffle manager. Only IP address without port. Local file system directories to persist partitioned data to. Multiple directories can be configured and these directories should be separated by comma ','. For example, [SSD]/PATH1/rss_data_dir1/,[HDD]/PATH2/rss_data_dir2/, the prefix [HDD] and [SSD] indicate the disk type.


Remote shuffle service runs on all UNIX-like environments, e.g. Linux, Mac OS X. Before you start the standalone cluster, make sure your system fullfils the following requirements.

Cluster Quick Start Script

Starting and Stopping a cluster

bin/ and bin/ rely on conf/workers to determine the number of cluster component instances. Note that you should only start one ShuffleWorker instance per physical node.

If password-less SSH access to the listed machines is configured, and they share the same directory structure, the scripts can support starting and stopping instances remotely.

Example: Start a distributed shuffle service cluster with 2 ShuffleWorkers

At present, only one manager is supported in standalone mode.

Contents of conf/managers:


manager1 is the actual IP address where the ShuffleManager is started. Only one address is required. If multiple addresses are filled in, the first will be used. The ShuffleManager RPC port can be configured by remote-shuffle.manager.rpc-port in conf/remote-shuffle-conf.yaml, if not configured, port 23123 will be used by default.

Note that if you want to start ShuffleWorkers on multiple machines, you need to replace in conf/managers with the actual IP address. Otherwise, workers started on other machines cannot get the right ShuffleManager IP address and cannot connect to the manager.

If you want to start only one ShuffleWorker and the ShuffleWorker is on the same machine where the ShuffleManager is started, the default in conf/managers can meet the requirements.

Contents of conf/workers:


Note that two workers means that at least two physical nodes are needed, if you only have one physical node, please only configure one worker here.

Then you can execute the following command to start the cluster:

./bin/ -D"[SSD]/PATH/rss_data_dir/"

When executing bin/, please make sure the following requirements are ready.

  • Password-less SSH access to the listed machines is configured.
  • The same directory structure of the remote shuffle distribution should exist on each listed machine.
  • A shuffle data directory([HDD]/PATH/rss_data_dir/) on each ShuffleWorker should be created and the directory permissions should be accessible.

You can use "-D" to pass any configuration options in configuration page as parameters of ./bin/ to control the behavior of ShuffleManager and ShuffleWorkers, for example, -D <config key>=<config value>. These configurations can also be configured in conf/remote-shuffle-conf.yaml.

After running bin/, the output log is as follows.

Starting cluster.
Starting shufflemanager daemon on host your-host.
Starting shuffleworker daemon on host your-host.

If bin/ is executed successfully, you have started a remote shuffle service cluster with a manager and 2 workers. The ShuffleManager log and ShuffleWorker log will be output to the log/ directory by default.

You can stop the cluster with the command:


The above illustrates a convenient way to manage a cluster.

Single Component Management Script

This section describes another way to start a cluster.

Starting a ShuffleManager

You can start a standalone ShuffleManager by executing:

./ start -D remote-shuffle.manager.rpc-address=<manager-ip-address>

Note that manager-ip-address is the real address that can be connected from the outside which is not or localhost.

You can use "-D" to pass all options in the configuration page to ShuffleManager, for example, -D <config key>=<config value>. These configurations can also be configured in conf/remote-shuffle-conf.yaml.

Through querying the metric server or checking the container output log, you can check whether the manager is started successfully. The default metric server address is http://<manager-ip-address>:23101/metrics/.

Before starting a ShuffleWorker, you need create a directory to store shuffle data files, which is an indispensable configuration option. For example, the directory created is [SSD]/PATH/rss_data_dir/, which is a SSD type disk.

Starting ShuffleWorkers

Similarly, you can start one or more workers and connect them to the manager via:

./bin/ start -D remote-shuffle.manager.rpc-address=<manager-ip-address> -D"[HDD]/PATH/rss_data_dir/"

You can use "-D" to pass all options in the configuration page to ShuffleWorker, for example, -D <config key>=<config value>. These configurations can also be configured in conf/remote-shuffle-conf.yaml.

Through querying the metric server or checking the container output log, you can check whether a worker is started successfully. The default metric server address is http://<worker-ip-address>:23103/metrics/.

Submitting a Flink Job

To submit a Flink job, please refer to starting a Flink cluster and submitting a Flink job.

Logging & JVM Arguments

Configuring Log4j

You can modify to control the log output format, log level, etc. For example, change rootLogger.level=INFO to rootLogger.level=DEBUG to enable debug logging.

Configuring Log Options and JVM Arguments

Adding configuration options to conf/remote-shuffle-conf.yaml to configure the log directory, memory size, JVM GC log, JVM GC options, etc. Here is a general example.

remote-shuffle.manager.jvm-opts: -verbose:gc -Dlog.file=/flink-remote-shuffle/log/shufflemanager.log -Xloggc:/flink-remote-shuffle/log/shufflemanager.gc.log -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=2 -XX:GCLogFileSize=256M

remote-shuffle.worker.jvm-opts: -verbose:gc -Dlog.file=/flink-remote-shuffle/log/shuffleworker.log -Xloggc:/flink-remote-shuffle/log/shuffleworker.gc.log -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=2 -XX:GCLogFileSize=256M

According to this example configuration, Logs and GC logs will be output to /flink-remote-shuffle/log/. By default, no GC logs will be output and the logs are in <home dir of shuffle service>/log. Please modify or add new parameters to control log output and JVM GC according to your production environment.