Mohawk is a metric data storage engine that uses a plugin architecture for data storage and a simple REST API as the primary interface.
When installed, run using the command line mohawk
mohawk --version
Mohawk version: 0.33.3
The -h
flag will print out a help text, that list the command line arguments.
mohawk -h
Mohawk is a metric data storage engine.
Mohawk is a metric data storage engine that uses a plugin architecture for data
storage and a simple REST API as the primary interface.
Yaacov Zamir <>
mohawk [flags]
--alerts-interval int Check alerts every N sec (default 5)
--alerts-server string Alert buffer URL (default "http://localhost:9099/append")
--alerts-server-insecure Alert server https skip verify
--alerts-server-method string Alert server http method (default "POST")
--basic-auth string authorization user and password pair (e.g. jack:secret-password)
--bearer-auth string token used for bearer authorization
--cert string path to TLS cert file (default "server.pem")
-c, --config string config file
-g, --gzip use gzip encoding
-h, --help help for mohawk
--key string path to TLS key file (default "server.key")
--media string path to media files (default "./mohawk-webui")
--options string specific storage options [e.g. db-dirname, db-url]
-p, --port int server port (default 8080)
-b, --storage string the storage plugin to use (default "memory")
-t, --tls use TLS server
-V, --verbose more debug output
-v, --version display mohawk version number
Running mohawk
with tls
and using the memory
back end.
mohawk --tls --gzip --port 8443 --storage memory
2017/06/30 11:37:08 Start server, listen on
This commands will crate self signed secrets for testing.
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out server.key
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 3650