Fixed-File-Format-Converter is a Java based a generic tool to convert fixed file format files to a csv file based on a metadata file describing its structure.
Structure of metadata file is in csv format with a line for each column.
- column name
- column length
- column type --- | defined-types |
defined-types : date (format yyyy-mm-dd) or numeric (decimal separator '.' ; can be negative) or string
Fixed file format files can have any number of columns.
The generated csv file should have Header for column names and date types should be reformatted to dd/mm/yyyy format. Additionally, the values in the csv should be trimmed. The string type may contain separator characters like ',' and then the whole string needs to be escaped with " (double quotes).
Data file:
1970-01-01John Smith 81.5
1975-01-31Jane Doe 61.1
1988-11-28Bob Big 102.4
Metadata file:
Birth date,10,date
First name,15,string
Last name,15,string
Output file:
Birth date,First name,Last name,Weight
The tool validates the metadata and then reads the fixed file and convert to csv file. If there is any validation error in the fixed file, then the line that have issues is logged in logs with proper rejection details. The tool inserts the processed data in a batch ot 10K records to csv to reduce the memory footprint and to process large file.
- Java 7
- Maven
- JUnit
Build using maven
mvn clean compile package
Build will compile, test and generate the RPM and final RPM is copied to RPM Directory
Install RPM Click here to download the RPM
rpm -ivh FileConverter-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
3. Running the script
After installing RPM, Application will be available under /opt/FileConverter
[root@testeserver ~]#
[root@testeserver ~]# cd /opt/FileConverter/
[root@testeserver FileConverter]#
[root@testeserver FileConverter]# ls
bin conf lib log Readme.txt sample
[root@testeserver FileConverter]#
[root@testeserver FileConverter]# bin/Converter
Path to metadata file: /opt/FileConverter/sample/metadata.txt
Path to data file: /opt/FileConverter/sample/input.txt
Path to Out file: /opt/inputCSV.txt
File conversion completed.
[root@hdp3test1 FileConverter]#
Nisanth Simon - NisanthSimon@LinkedIn