HackFSU iOS App
HackFSU 18 - Cameron Farzaneh - https://github.com/CFarzaneh
HackFSU 18 - Andres Ibarra - https://github.com/AndibaOfficial
The offical iOS application for HackFSU 5 at Florida State University. The HackFSU application will sends updates straight to you phone to keeps you in the know, provide an up-to-date schedule, give you access to maps of the event, allow you to request help from a mentor, and check out our awesome sponsors.
This app have four different pages: Live Feed, Schedule, Maps, and Profile.
Live Feed: The live feed page has all the recent updates that crew members feel are important for hackers to see.
Schedule: The schedule page gives the users all the information for all the events happening throughout the hackathon.
Maps: The maps page gives users access to the maps of the hackathon venue.
Profile: The profile page where users can see all their information, such as their QR code and Hexcode, as well as all the events for which they have been scanned.
For Event Organizers and Judges, there are two additional views: Admin Panel and Voting Panel.
Admin Panel: The admin panel will event organizers to send push notifications as well as take advantage of the scanning feature of the application, in order to scan hackers into the hackathon, as well as any events happening inside.
Voting Panel: The voting panel will allow judges to vote and facilitates the voting process for all judges.
The app uses the libraries Agrume, Alamofire, Glyptodon, and SwiftyJSON.
Agrume - https://github.com/JanGorman/Agrume
Alamofire - https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire
Glyptodon - https://github.com/marketplacer/Glyptodon
SwiftyJSON - https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON