This PHP Blog Web App uses The MVC design pattern. I did this project for my class in my last year at University. This kind of project can easily go under a good development pattern and good development practice and organization due to the design pattern.
- The project is written in PHP an object-oriented language.
- It's all self-written, there are no existing frameworks or libraries.
- For more security I used (hashed passwords, protected against SQL injection, etc)
- I used MySQL database to store admin account and all the data and managed the database with PHPMyAdmin.
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code were integrated into PHP files to stylize the site.
- Homepage (blog): It shows the latest posts.
- About me page: Includes a brief bio on me and a downloadable copy of my resume.
- Gallery page: It contains a list of pictures in card forms.
- Contact page: It has a contact form for any suggestions, complaints or messages.
- List of all the blog articles
- Possibility to add a new post or article with a title and body.
- Possibility to edit an existing post
- Possibility to delete a post
- Logout feature for the admin user
Application Server PHP 7.3.0 or higher.
Database MySQL you can get the database backup from here