- This code was designed to prompt to the user a series of questions with multiple choice answers.
- Questions and answers are pulled from an object to make the question evaluation easier to understand.
- Questions are displayed randomly every time the user clicks the "Take the Quiz" button.
- Screens showing the questions, the score submission and the leadBoard with the top 3 scores are dynamically generated,using the querySelector method for DOM manipulation.
- Scores are kept an object on the local storage; then they are parsed to an array for operations and manipulation.
- 12 Functions are deployed to carryout all the different user selections.
- A set of loops, conditionals and 4 event listeners supports user interactivity.
- Bootstrap 4.0 was used for fast set up and management of cards tables and navbar
- A simple but bold CSS was added and though on make it user neutral.
When the page loads:
The user is presented with a nav bar where it can select the options of reading instructions for the quiz, view the high scores , or take the quiz.
This app was developed with mobile first mind set, so the collapsed Nav bar will include a label for the main menu button.
Mobile first approach:
- Responsive application using bootstrap 4.0
To run the application:
- The user needs to click the "Take the Quiz" button.
The application will start displaying the questions and choices randomly so the user will have a different order every time they restart the quiz
A timer will start showing the seconds left .
2 minutes are set on the timer.
Every wrongly answered question will deduct 30 seconds out of the timer.
The quiz finishes when the user have gone thru all the questions or de timer is depleted.
- The user needs to click the "Take the Quiz" button.
When the quiz ends:
- Html was designed using Bootstrap 4.0 and CSS designed simpler to adapt a sober and bold style.
- About Javascript.
Simple variables were used to gain efficiency on coding and debugging.
Balance between global and local variables to facilitate and easier analysis and debugging.
Functions, LocalStorage, JSON , Objects and Events managers are deployed on this project.
Questions and answers are arranged within an object for easier addition of elements
*This Project contents:
- Index.html - hosting the web page application all information is updated dynamically from the js file .
- Script.js - Code for executing the app.
- style.css - simple style for the application.
- README.md - this file.
- please fork and clone this repository
contact me at: https://github.com/Rodolfod1 or direct email: rodolfodzr@gmail.com
Rodolfo Diaz, Oct,04,2020