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SaltStack Nornir Proxy Minion Docker

This repository contains files to build and start a Docker container running SaltStack Master, Salt-API and Salt Proxy Minion.

Why? - To speed up the process of getting started with SaltStack Nornir Proxy Minion Network Automation.

Starting the environment

Providing that you already installed Docker, Docker Compose and GIT:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. cd salt-nornir-docker and start container docker compose up, build takes 5-10 minutes
  3. Access container shell docker exec -it saltstack bash and accept minion key salt-key -a nrp1

By default nrp1 proxy pillar comes with configuration for always-on sandbox devices, as a result can start experimenting with proxy-minion straight away.

Refer to wiki page for examples on how to use Salt-Nornir proxy minion to manage network devices.

To start managing your devices add them to Nornir Proxy Minion Pillar inventory, see notes below, and restart Proxy Minion container docker restart saltstack

Docker Compose build and environment variables

Base image used to build container is python:3.9.7-slim-bullseye

Docker compose makes use of these variables stored in .env file:

  • SALT_VERSION - version of SaltStack to install, default is 3006.2
  • LOG_LEVEL - logging level, default is 'debug' can be any of 'all', 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', 'profile', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', 'quiet'
  • PROXY_ID - Nornir Proxy Minion ID, default is 'nrp1'
  • SALT_MASTER - True or False, if True will start salt-master process inside the container
  • SALT_API - True or False, if True will start salt-api process inside the container if SALT_MASTER set to True
  • SALT_PROXY - True or False, if True will start salt-proxy minion process inside the container

Adjust above variables to meet your needs.

Folders structure

Folders structure:

├── docker-compose.yaml
└── SALT
    ├── Dockerfile.saltstack
    ├── salt_nornir_data
    │   └── placeholder
    └── saltstack
        ├── master
        ├── pillar
        │   ├── nrp1.sls
        │   └── top.sls
        ├── pki
        ├── proxy
        ├── rpc
        │   └── oc_interface.xml
        ├── states
        └── templates

Folders description:

  • SALT/saltstack mounted under container /etc/salt/ folder, contains master and proxy related configuration
  • SALT/salt_nornir_data mounted under container /var/salt-nornir/ folder for files produced by tf and nr.learn functions
  • SALT/saltstack/master - salt-master configuration file
  • SALT/saltstack/proxy - salt-proxy configuration file

Python Packages Version

Salt-Norir and Nornir-Salt installed using these extras:

  • prodmaxmaster i.e. python3 -m pip install salt-nornir[prodmaxmaster]
  • prodmaxminion i.e. python3 -m pip install salt-nornir[prodmaxminion]

Python version used in a container is 3.9.7.

Updating Docker Container

It is recommended to re-build the container from scratch every time when need to update them to different version of SaltStack or Salt-Nornir/Nornir-Salt.

SaltStack pillar and minion data saved on the volumes mounted from SALT directory, it is recommended to back up SALT directory before proceeding.

Steps to update salt-nornir-docker container are:

  1. Stop and remove saltstack container: docker compose down
  2. Rebuild image: docker compose build --no-cache
  3. Start container: docker compose up

Configuring Nornir Proxy Minion

Nornir Proxy Minion needs inventory data to manage devices - hostnames, IP addresses, credentials, device type etc. Because default proxy minion ID/Name is nrp1, need to populate inventory data in SALT/saltstack/pillar/nrp1.sls pillar file.

Once ready, modify nrp1.sls pillar accordingly to list details for network devices you planning to manage.

Each time SALT/saltstack/pillar/nrp1.sls pillar file modified, need to restart saltstack to pick up updated inventory data - docker restart saltstack.

Platform attribute value is mandatory as connections plugins need it to understand what type of driver to use for device managing, here is a list where to find platform attribute values:

  • Netmiko platform attribute values
  • NAPALM platform attribute values
  • Scrapli platform attribute values
  • Scrapli-Netconf does not need platform attribute but supports additional settings through connection_options
  • Ncclient does not need platform attribute but can support device handlers through connection_options
  • HTTP connection plugin does not need platform attribute but supports additional settings through connection_options
  • PyATS/Genie os/platform attribute values found in Unicon docs

Inventory data for Nornir proxy Minion stored on Master machine in pillar files, refer documentation for examples - Pillar and Inventory Examples

Enabling and working with REST API

If enabled with SALT_API environment variable, Salt-API configured to listen for HTTP requests on all host's interfaces on TCP port 8001.

Example how to use CURL to run salt nrp1 nr.nornir version command over REST API from the host:

curl \
    -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
    -d client='local' \
    -d tgt='nrp1' \
    -d fun='nr.nornir' \
    -d arg='version' \
    -d username='saltuser' \
    -d password='saltpass' \
    -d eauth='sharedsecret'

Refer to SaltStack REST CHERRYPY documentation on how to enable HTTPS and harden API setup.

Useful commands

Some useful commands.

Command Description
docker exec -it saltstack bash Drop into container bash shell
docker restart saltstack Restart saltstack container
docker compose stop stop saltstack container altogether
docker compose up start saltstack container
docker compose build rebuild container
salt-key manage proxy minions keys
salt nrp1 verify that process is running
salt nrp1 nr.nornir stats check statistics for Nornir Proxy Minion
salt nrp1 nr.nornir test test task to verify module operation
salt nrp1 nr.nornir inventory to check Nornir inventory content
salt nrp1 nr.nornir hosts to list managed hosts names
salt nrp1 nr.task nr_test test task to verify Nornir operation
salt nrp1 nr.cli "show version" run show commands
salt nrp1 nr.cfg "logging host" edit configuration

Additional resources

Documentation is a good place to continue:

Salt-Nornir Proxy Minion usage examples

Building Docker Image

To build an image, this repository comes with SALT/ dockerfile, it can be used to build custom docker image.

To build an image using SALT/ and publish it to Dockerhub:

  1. Navigate to salt_nornir_docker folder: cd salt_nornir_docker
  2. Build image: docker build -t salt-nornir:py39-st3006.2-sn0.20.4 -f SALT/ .
  3. Login Dockerhub: docker login
  4. Re-tag the image: docker tag salt-nornir:py39-st3006.2-sn0.20.4 <dockerhub-username>/salt-nornir:py39-st3006.2-sn0.20.4
  5. Push the image: docker push <dockerhub-username>/salt-nornir:py39-st3006.2-sn0.20.4

Assumptions are <dockerhub-username> is an existing account username on and this account has salt-nornir repository.

If instead of publishing to Dockerhub want to run custom image locally, then after step 2 need to update SALT/Dockerfile.saltstack FROM directive to use custom image i.e. instead of FROM dmulyalin/salt-nornir:latest specify FROM salt-nornir:py39-st3006.2-sn0.20.4 and run docker compose up as usual.

Alternatively, can skip step 2 altogether and update docker-compose.yaml to use SALT/ dockerfile e.g.:

version: "3.9"


    container_name: "saltstack"
    hostname: 'saltstack'
      context: .
      dockerfile: SALT/

running docker compose up will trigger new image build.