assets is a simple + lightweight Asset Pipeline for Go HTML applications
Couldn't find a good one that wasn't a mess or didn't rely on some other language to compress the assets.
Currently this library doesn't compress the combined files, when using Gzip it's not that big of a deal, however once an established js and css compressor is created it can be added seamlessly; pull requests are welcome to help
Use go get
go get
or to update
go get -u
Then import assets package into your code.
import ""
assets -h
Usage of assets:
-i string
Asset directory to bundle files for recursivly.
-ignore string
Regexp for files/dirs we should ignore i.e. \.gitignore.
-ld string
The Left Delimiter for file includes
-o string
Output directory, if blank will use -i option DIR.
-rd string
The Right Delimiter for file includes
Specifies if the files included should be treated as relative to the directory, or relative to the files from which they are included. (default true)