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fetch-each - Distributed HTTP requests using CloudFlare Workers

Important: Self-hosting on CloudFlare Workers is required to use this package.

fetch-each uses CloudFlare queues and durable objects to execute many HTTP requests in parallel while avoiding worker concurrency limits.


1. Deploy Your Own Instance

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd fetch-each

# Create required CloudFlare queue
npx wrangler queues create fetch-each-queue

# Deploy to CloudFlare
npx wrangler deploy

The deployment will provide you with a URL endpoint. Save this as your basePath for client usage.

2. Install Client Package

npm install @cfa/fetch-each


All examples require your deployed worker URL as basePath and your configured secret as apiKey.

Basic HTTP Requests

import { fetchEach } from "@cfa/fetch-each";

const results = await fetchEach(
  ["", ""],
    apiKey: "YOUR_SECRET", // Set in CloudFlare
    basePath: "YOUR_WORKER_URL", // From deployment
    log: console.log, // Optional progress logging

POST Requests Example

const results = await fetchEach(
      url: "",
      method: "POST",
      body: { data: "example1" },
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
      url: "",
      method: "POST",
      body: { data: "example2" },
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    apiKey: "YOUR_SECRET",
    basePath: "YOUR_WORKER_URL",

LLM Requests Example

import { fetchEach } from "@cfa/fetch-each";

const structuredOutputs = async <T>(
  llmConfig: {
    llmBasePath: string;
    llmApiKey: string;
    llmModelName: string;
  messagesArray: { role: string; content: string }[][],
) => {
  const results = await fetchEach<T>( => ({
      url: "",
      method: "POST",
      body: {
        model: llmConfig.llmModelName,
      headers: {
        "X-LLM-Base-Path": llmConfig.llmBasePath,
        "X-LLM-API-Key": llmConfig.llmApiKey,
        "X-Output": "codeblock.json",
      log: (s) => console.log(s, llmConfig),
      apiKey: "YOUR_SECRET",
      basePath: "YOUR_WORKER_URL",

  return => x.result);


  • Execute thousands of HTTP requests in parallel
  • Built-in retry mechanism for failed requests
  • Real-time status updates via Server-Sent Events
  • Progress tracking with success/failure counts
  • Simple API matching fetch interface


  • Max I/O size ±100MB: Will not work for JSON inputs or outputs larger than ±100MB
  • Max item size < 128kb: Due to queue message size limit
  • Max 250 concurrent, max 5000 rps: Uses a single CloudFlare queue with max throughput of 5000 messages per second and 250 concurrent requests (CloudFlare queue limits)

How It Works

Architecture Diagram

fetch-each distributes requests across multiple workers using CloudFlare's queue system while maintaining a simple API interface. Progress is tracked using durable objects, enabling real-time status updates and retry handling.

Related work and wishlist



  • If we have instant 202 and callback for any fetchEach request, we can build workflows that return to the workflow only after a queue has finished. This allows more efficient short-running functions
  • It would be great to keep state in r2 on the workflow step level, where a workflow can run any code as long as it uses fetchEach for concurrent http requests.

  • {url:""} 100x50M = 5000MB
  • For tasks where its desired to request millions of URLs
  • To increase maximum throughput past ±1000 requests per second, we must scale the amount of durable objects. We can do this by dividing requests over several durable objects that all report back to a collector DO. See