This is a relatively small release with a few nice enhancements and several bug fixes. There is also a documentation enhancement publicizing @ccleva's Parquet integration project.
Bug fixes
Fix bug where missing values in numeric columns could not be formatted. This enables arbitrary missing value indicators (e.g. "N/A") to be used in printing and saving to files.
Replace parallelQuickSort with mergeSort (#968), to avoid incorrect sorting caused by race conditions when a custom sort object is used.
fix issue #963 (#967) Relation.structure() fails for TableSlice with ClassCastException
Aggregate by non-primitive column type that extends Number (#973), making it possible to add a column type for BigDecimal
plotly - added range slider to Axis (#953) …
To support annotation in plot.ly javascript. (#944) …
Added link to the tablesaw-parquet project in README (#966)