A small project I worked on during my university recess (December 2022) to try and make an algorithm that solves Sudoku puzzles strictly using strategies I learnt from playing the game. Unfortunately my knowledge at the time was only a few steps above brute forcing the puzzle.
Worked well for easy to medium difficulty puzzles.
- try to add new solving strategies that I've learnt
- try to use the Recursive N-Queens problem to solve
- figure out how graph theory may be used to solve the puzzle (without looking at research that demonstrates it lol)
- also figure out how difficulty is measured in order to generate puzzles
- pull the repository / download all of the files
- open 'home.html' in your browser
- uses Bootstrap for the visual elements
- thanks to some StackOverflow users for good code segment (credited near use)
- thanks to McGuire, Tugemann and Civiario (https://arxiv.org/abs/1201.0749) for their research on the minimum number of values needed to solve a puzzle