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Fabric Kafka Connect Kusto Sink Connector

This repository contains the source code of the Kafka Connect Fabric sink connector. Currently supports writing data to Eventhouse (Azure Data Explorer / Kusto) workloads on Fabric.

Sections in the document

1. Overview

The Fabric connector for Kafka intends to provide an extensible, scalable, and fault-tolerant way to ingest data from Kafka to Microsoft Fabric. The initial release intends to support writes to Eventhouse. Future releases will add support for Eventstreams

2. Design

The connector is designed to be a sink connector, ingesting data from Kafka to components in Microsoft Fabric. The initial design is based on Kafka Kusto Sink with slight changes to the ingestion process.

The connector parses payload based on type of message and ingests the data to ADX. The ingestion to ADX uses JSON as the format.

  • kafkamd : Dynamic field that contains metadata about the message. This field is used to store the partition, offset, and topic of the message.
  • headers : Dynamic field that contains headers set in the message.
  • keys : Dynamic field that has the keys in the kafka message.

Values in the message are stored in the root of the message as-is. In the sample below the fields department, id, external_identifier external_id_type are stored in the root of the message.


  • The fields in the message should not have the same name as the fields in the dynamic fields. If the fields have the same name, the values in the dynamic fields will be overwritten by the values in the root of the message.

  • Tombstone records are supported. The value columns will be null and the keys, metadata and header columns will be populated.

  "kafkamd": {
    "partition": "0",
    "offset": "1",
    "topic": "e2e.bytes-avro.topic"
  "headers": {
    "vtype": "bytes-avro",
    "iteration": "2"
  "keys": {
    "Timestamp": 100002,
    "IterationKey": "2"
  "department": "0193",
  "id": "41417891001",
  "external_identifier": null,
  "external_id_type": "1"

A sample KQL statement can be as follows

.create-merge table ['KustoTable'] (

The corresponding mapping can be

.create table ['KustoTable'] ingestion json mapping 'KustoTable_mapping' '[
{"column":"event_type", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'event_type\']"}},
{"column":"keys", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'keys\']"}},
{"column":"headers", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'headers\']"}},{
"column":"kafkamd", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'kafkamd\']"}}]'

3. Features supported

3.1. Configurable behavior on errors

  • The connector supports configurable behavior in case of errors. The following are the possible values:
    • Shut down the connector task upon encountering an error
    • Log the error and continue processing
    • Log the error, send record to dead letter queue, and continue processing

3.2. Configurable retries

  • The connector supports retries for transient errors with the ability to provide relevant parameters
  • and retries with exponential backoff

3.3. Serialization formats

  • The connector supports Avro, JSON, CSV formats

3.4. Schema registry

  • The connector supports schema registry for avro and json

3.5. Kafka Connect converters

  • The connector supports the following converters:
# Converter Details
1 Use with csv/json
2 org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter Use with schemaless json
3 io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter Use with avro
4 io.confluent.connect.json.JsonSchemaConverter Use with json with schema registry

3.6. Kafka Connect transformers

  • The connector does not support transformers. Prefer transformation on the server side in Kafka or ingestion time in Azure Data Explorer with update policies.

3.7. Topics to tables mapping

  • The connector supports multiple topics to multiple tables configuration per Kafka Connect worker

3.8. Kafka Connect Dead Letter Queue

  • The connector supports user provided "Dead Letter Queue", a Kafka Connect construct; E.g. If Avro messages are written to a "dead letter queue" topic that is expecting Json, the avro messages are written to a configurable dead letter queue instead of just being dropped. This helps prevent data loss and also data integrity checks for messages that did not make it to the destination. Note that for a secure cluster, in addition to bootstrap server list and topic name, the security mechanism, the security protocol, jaas config have to be provided for the Kafka Connect worker and in the sink properties

3.9. Miscellaneous Dead Letter Queue

  • The connector supports user provided miscellaneous "Dead Letter Queue" for transient and non-deserialization errors ( those not managed by Kafka Connect); E.g. If network connectivity is lost to Azure Data Explorer, the connector retries and eventually writes the queued up messages to the miscellaneous "Dead Letter Queue". Note that for a secure cluster, in addition to bootstrap server list and topic name, the security mechanism, the security protocol, jaas config have to be provided for the Kafka Connect worker and in the sink properties

3.11. Delivery semantics

  • Azure Data Explorer is an append only immutable database. Infrastructure failures and unavoidable external variables that can lead to duplicates can't be remediated via upsert commands as upserts are not supported.

Therefore, the connector supports "At least once" delivery guarantees.

3.12. Overrides

  • The connector supports overrides at the sink level if overrides are specified at a Kafka Connect worker level. This is a Kafka Connect feature, not specific to the Kusto connector plugin.

3.13. Parallelism

  • As with all Kafka Connect connectors, parallelism comes through the setting of connector tasks count, a sink property

3.14. Authentication & Authorization to Azure Data Explorer

  • Azure Data Explorer supports Azure Active Directory authentication. For the Kusto Kafka connector, we need an Azure Active Directory Service Principal created and "admin" permissions granted to the Azure Data Explorer database.
  • The Service Principal can either be
    • an Enterprise Application, authenticated using the OAuth2 endpoint of Active Directory, using the Tenant ID, Application ID and Application Secret
    • a Managed Identity, using the private Instance MetaData Service accessible from within Azure VMs

3.16. Security related

  • Kafka Connect supports all security protocols supported by Kafka, as does our connector
  • See below for some security related config that needs to be applied at Kafka Connect worker level as well as in the sink properties

4. Connect worker properties

  • There are some core configs that need to be set at the Kafka connect worker level. Some of these are security configs and the (consumer) override policy. These for e.g. need to be baked into

4.1. Confluent Cloud

The below covers Confluent Cloud-
Link to end to end sample

ENV CONNECT_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=" required username=\"<yourConfluentCloudAPIKey>\" password=\"<yourConfluentCloudAPISecret>\";"

5. Sink properties

The following is complete set of connector sink properties -

# Property Purpose Details
1 connector.class ClassName of the Kusto sink Hard code to
2 connection.string Connection string Supports eventhouse connection string
Optional. Either of connection string or ingest url required
3 topics Kafka topic specification List of topics separated by commas
4 kusto.ingestion.url EventHouse ingestion endpoint URL Provide the ingest URL of your ADX cluster
Use the following construct for the private URL - https://ingest-private-[cluster]
5 kusto.query.url EventHouse query endpoint URL Provide the engine URL of your ADX cluster
6 aad.auth.strategy Credentials for EventHouse Strategy to authenticate against Azure Active Directory, either application (default) or managed_identity or workload_identity.
Optional, application by default
7 aad.auth.authority Credentials for EventHouse Provide the tenant ID of your Azure Active Directory
Required when authentication is done with an application or when kusto.validation.table.enable is set to true
8 aad.auth.appid Credentials for EventHouse Provide Azure Active Directory Service Principal Name
Required when authentication is done with an application or when kusto.validation.table.enable is set to true
9 aad.auth.appkey Credentials for EventHouse Provide Azure Active Directory Service Principal secret
Required when authentication is done with an application
10 kusto.tables.topics.mapping Mapping of topics to tables Provide 1..many topic-table comma-separated mappings as follows-
[{'topic': '<topicName1>','db': '<datebaseName>', 'table': '<tableName1>','format': '<format-e.g.avro/csv/json>', 'mapping':'<tableMappingName1>','streaming':'false'},{'topic': '<topicName2>','db': '<datebaseName>', 'table': '<tableName2>','format': '<format-e.g.avro/csv/json>', 'mapping':'<tableMappingName2>','streaming':'false'}]
Note : The attribute mapping (Ex:'mapping':''tableMappingName1') is an optional attribute. During ingestion, Azure Data Explorer automatically maps column according to the ingestion format
11 key.converter Deserialization One of the below supported-
12 value.converter Deserialization One of the below supported-
13 value.converter.schema.registry.url Schema validation URI of the Kafka schema registry
14 value.converter.schemas.enable Schema validation Set to true if you have embedded schema with payload but are not leveraging the schema registry
Applicable for avro and json

15 tasks.max connector parallelism Specify the number of connector copy/sink tasks
16 flush.size.bytes Performance knob for batching Maximum bufer byte size per topic+partition combination that in combination with (whichever is reached first) should result in sinking to EventHouse
Default - 1 MB
17 Performance knob for batching Minimum time interval per topic+partition combo that in combination with flush.size.bytes (whichever is reached first) should result in sinking to EventHouse
Default - 30 seconds
18 tempdir.path Local directory path on Kafka Connect worker to buffer files to before shipping to EventHouse Default is value returned by System.getProperty("") with a GUID attached to it

19 behavior.on.error Configurable behavior in response to errors encountered Possible values - log, ignore, fail

log - log the error, send record to dead letter queue, and continue processing
ignore - log the error, send record to dead letter queue, proceed with processing despite errors encountered
fail - shut down connector task upon encountering

Default - fail
20 Configurable retries for transient errors Period of time in milliseconds to retry for transient errors

Default - 300 ms
21 Configurable retries for transient errors Period of time in milliseconds to backoff before retry for transient errors

Default - 10 ms
22 errors.deadletterqueue.bootstrap.servers Channel to write records that failed deserialization CSV or kafkaBroker:port
23 Channel to write records that failed deserialization Pre-created topic name
24 Channel to write records that failed deserialization Securitry protocol of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
25 errors.deadletterqueue.sasl.mechanism Channel to write records that failed deserialization SASL mechanism of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
26 errors.deadletterqueue.sasl.jaas.config Channel to write records that failed deserialization JAAS config of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
27 misc.deadletterqueue.bootstrap.servers Channel to write records that due to reasons other than deserialization CSV of kafkaBroker:port
28 Channel to write records that due to reasons other than deserialization Pre-created topic name
29 Channel to write records that due to reasons other than deserialization Securitry protocol of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
30 misc.deadletterqueue.sasl.mechanism Channel to write records that due to reasons other than deserialization SASL mechanism of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
31 misc.deadletterqueue.sasl.jaas.config Channel to write records that due to reasons other than deserialization JAAS config of secure Kafka cluster
Optional but when feature is used with secure cluster, is required
32 consumer.override.bootstrap.servers Security details explicitly required for secure Kafka clusters Bootstrap server:port CSV of secure Kafka cluster
Required for secure Kafka clusters
33 Security details explicitly required for secure Kafka clusters Security protocol of secure Kafka cluster
Required for secure Kafka clusters
34 consumer.override.sasl.mechanism Security details explicitly required for secure Kafka clusters SASL mechanism of secure Kafka cluster
Required for secure Kafka clusters
35 consumer.override.sasl.jaas.config Security details explicitly required for secure Kafka clusters JAAS config of secure Kafka cluster
Required for secure Kafka clusters
36 Security details explicitly required for secure Kafka clusters, specifically kerberized Kafka Kerberos service name of kerberized Kafka cluster
Required for kerberized Kafka clusters
37 Configurable consuming from offset Possible values are - earliest or latest
38 Config to prevent duplication Set to a value to avoid consumer leaving the group while the Connector is retrying
39 Host details of proxy server Host details of proxy server configuration
40 proxy.port Port details of proxy server Port details of proxy server configuration
41 Header fields List of header fields to persist in the format ['hf1','hf2'..] Optional
42 Header fields List of header fields to drop ['hf1','hf2'..] Optional

6. Streaming ingestion

EventHouse supports Streaming ingestion in order to achieve sub-second latency.

This connector supports this using Managed streaming client .

Usage: configure per topic-table that streaming should be used. For example:

kusto.tables.topics.mapping=[{'topic': 't1','db': 'db', 'table': 't1','format': 'json', 'mapping':'map', 'streaming': true}].

Requirements: Streaming enabled on the cluster. Streaming policy configured on the table or database.

Additional configurations: flush.size.bytes and are still used to batch records together before ingestion - flush.size.bytes should not be over 4MB, is suggested to be low (hundreds of milliseconds). We still recommend configuring ingestion batching policy at the table or database level, as the client falls back to queued ingestion in case of failure and retry-exhaustion.

7. Roadmap

The following is the roadmap-

# Roadmap item
1 Support for EventStream

8. Deployment overview

Kafka Connect connectors can be deployed in standalone mode (just for development) or in distributed mode (production)

8.1. Standalone Kafka Connect deployment mode

This involves having the connector plugin jar in /usr/share/java of a Kafka Connect worker, reference to the same plugin path in, and launching of the connector from command line. This is not scalable, not fault tolerant, and is not recommended for production.

8.2. Distributed Kafka Connect deployment mode

Distributed Kafka Connect essentially involves creation of a KafkaConnect worker cluster as shown in the diagram below.

  • Azure Kubernetes Service is a great infrastructure for the connect cluster, due to its managed and scalable nature
  • Kubernetes is a great platform for the connect cluster, due to its scalable nature and self-healing
  • Each orange polygon is a Kafka Connect worker and each green polygon is a sink connector instance
  • A Kafka Connect worker can have 1..many task instances which helps with scale
  • When a Kafka Connect worker is maxed out from a resource perspective (CPU, RAM), you can scale horizontally, add more Kafka Connect workers, ands tasks within them
  • Kafka Connect service manages rebalancing of tasks to Kafka topic partitions automatically without pausing the connector tasks in recent versions of Kafka
  • A Docker image needs to be created to deploy the Fabric sink connector in a distributed mode. This is detailed below.


9. Connector download/build from source

Multiple options are available-

9.1. Download a ready-to-use uber jar from our Github repo releases listing

9.2. Build uber jar from source

The dependencies are-

1. Clone the repo

git clone git://
cd ./kafka-sink-ms-fabric

2. Build with maven
For an Uber jar, run the below-

mvn clean compile assembly:single

For the connector jar along with jars of associated dependencies, run the below-

mvn clean install

Look within target/components/packages/microsoftcorporation-kafka-sink-ms-fabric-<version>/microsoftcorporation-kafka-sink-ms-fabric-<version>/lib/ folder

10. Test drive the connector - standalone mode

In a standalone mode (not recommended for production), the connector can be test-driven in any of the following ways-

10.1. Self-contained Dockerized setup

Review this hands on lab . It includes dockerized kafka, connector and Kafka producer to take away complexities and allow you to focus on the connector aspect.

11. Release History

Release Version Release Date Changes Included
1.0.0 2024-12-30
  • Initial release

12. Contributing

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

In order to make the PR process efficient, please follow the below checklist:

  • There is an issue open concerning the code added - Either a bug or enhancement. Preferably the issue includes an agreed upon approach.
  • PR comment explains the changes done - This should be a TL;DR; as the rest of it should be documented in the related issue.
  • PR is concise - Try to avoid making drastic changes in a single PR. Split it into multiple changes if possible. If you feel a major change is needed, make sure the commit history is clear and maintainers can comfortably review both the code and the logic behind the change.
  • Please provide any related information needed to understand the change - Especially in the form of unit tests, but also docs, guidelines, use-case, best practices, etc as appropriate.
  • Checks should pass
  • Run mvn dependency-check:check. This should return no High/Medium vulnerabilities in any libraries/dependencies

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A kafka sink using Kafka connect to Microsoft Fabric



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