welcome to my page!
🌱 My name is Qi, i am currently an undergraduate student pursing a second bachelor's in computer science.My first degree was in plant protection.(My teacher told me before " we are going to train you to become a Plant Doctor" but i konw that not a really docter,so i quit )
🤔 I upload my code from my studies to GitHub, as well as write articles in the issues section of GitHub to document the challenges, joys, difficulties, and insights I encounter during my learning process.
👯 I enjoy communication and welcome any thoughts or ideas you may have, so please feel free to leave me a message. I enjoy writing and expressing myself through recording my thoughts, and I hope to quickly master the art of expressing myself through code.
🔭 I don't know who can read these in futher,maybe nobody. I don't know what should i write in this.....
👯 So, I just see this note,this github space, and all my repositories as my traces in the internet.
Maybe some day,some one visit here, just say: Hi,there ,welecome here!
- 📫 How to reach me:
- MyGitBlog
🌱 欢迎来到我的Github,但我不确定该用什么来准确的描述我:)
🔭 简单概述
- 一个体力工作者,喜欢上网钻研点东西,仅此而已!
📫 更多更新在我的博客: