- Replace the existing Rescheduling feature, if possible
- It's really bad. I don't want to reschedule all tasks at once and doing it one at a time is tedious. I'd really like to be able to sort by how long they've been active tasks and how long it will take to do them.
Problem: If you forget to tick off a recurring task, you're out of luck. For some reason, there's no option to check a week's worth of laundry that you forgot to check off. Instead, only the late one is checked and, if it's recurring, reset to the next occurence.
- What I would like is for that week's worth of laundry to tick all 7 radio's on the backend, not just one.
- Idea: Update the recurring task to non-recurring.
- Create 6 duplicates of the now non-recurring task.
- Update all of them as done, except the very last one.
- Update the last one as recurring, with the original next-date applied.
Problem: The Eisenhower Matrix is great and all, and so are priorities and views, but that's just not enough! What if we could have our schedule chunked up for us? I have 250+ tasks that need spread out across X weeks, so how can we do that?
- Update Todoist service such that:
- I can set the length of a task in labels and descriptions
- Tags and descriptions may contain units and values
- Durations (label and amount) are parsed by regex in a mock 'natural language'
- Can parse any natural language from any input box, by using typeaheads.
- I can click a button and a randomized week (or more) will be generated
- Each 'full day' is a collection of tasks grouped by similar weight (priority x duration x time passed since creation)
- Optional: Might a bell curve of weight distribution help?
- The algorithm will do its best to slot the tasks so that no day is too large (limit: 5 tasks; 1x P1, 1x
P2, 2x P3, 2x P4).
- This can always be configured as I get better at completing tasks.
- I can set the length of a task in labels and descriptions
- See if there's another alternative for Airtable that's free and local. I would like to not have to pay if there's
- Alternatively, use pocketbase and use the .net pocketbase client.
- See if there's an easy golang+pocketbase web app tutorial. I might be interested in switching, b/c I"m bored and I just wanna make things.
- Alternatively, use pocketbase and use the .net pocketbase client.
- Scaffold each of these Ideas as method stubs.
- Create a button for each telephone number you upload to google sheets, csv, etc.
- In addition to a call btn, I'd like a link for "Add as Contact" on my phone, if possible. (idk how, but I'd imagine highlighting it will work) - p4.
- Provide a link to google maps for addresses. - p2
- I'd love to be able to upload a csv of leads and have the address, call button ready to go.
- Address lookup: p4
- Parse the years been in business - p4
- Parse the hours of operation (so you're not wasting calls) - p4
- Grey out (disable) the call button, if not within hours. - p4
- Using htmx polling, refresh these call buttons, checking to see if we're within hours.
- Maybe provide a status: "Available" or something.
- Save cssselectors for sites with this kind of info, like the sales tax office, the online phone books, etc.
- Scrape Addresses, phones, hours of operation from Google.
- May have to use ScrapingBee, so not banned.
- Prevent duplicates by comparing phone numbers.
- Create array of time slots (30min default) for the day
- Create array of time Slots for current hours.
- Subtract the two arrays (use IComparable, and if necessary, NodaTime for easy compares)
- Overload the
- Overload
for compares. - Default to UTC, but verify w/ research first.
- Overload the
- .net libraries to try:
- If OCR is reasonably successful:
- Parse out phone numbers, business ids, and addresses where possible.
- P1 Add a button to your existing textarea, which takes the text as-is and saves to Airtable. Can be used for imports from tesseract.js, local drive, or copy-paste!
- cross ref with anything useful you find in the google maps api.
- Update your db with new or existing locations.
- Parse out phone numbers, business ids, and addresses where possible.
- Create a new Leads table to hold onto leads, temporarily.
- Copy each query string (GET|POST, etc.) into consts.
- Recycle the airtable service regex to parse out the parts of ea. query string.
- Goals:
- GET/Create new lead
- POST/Update existing lead
- Bonus: Use the existing CSV reader to upload your local CSV file contents to Airtable.
- Create a dedicated route in Razor for Airtable.
- Sales tax office Web clipper
- Generic FFL leads clipper
- Snags url, title, etc.
- Updates the 'lead sources' table
- Have the call button update Airtable with 'call_count++', set
and have it disabled for that record whencall_count == 0 || DateTime.Now >= last_call_date
. Calling 4-6 mo. later is fine, and we don't have to reset the call count, necessarily. - Create a field for when to call back again. This can be a simple datebox, but I like the idea of having a few
presets like
1 Day
,1 Month
,6 Months
, etc.
- Integrate basic gmap
- Look for way to show heatmap of already visited places.
- Mark already visited pins as red, default green.
- Icon for "find on google maps"
- Takes the user to google maps (embedded, like your react map)
- "Doors Deluxe" (nice title! ^_^)
- Once the user lands on Maps, alpinejs verfies the
matches the current Google Map Pin's phone number. - In Map, highlight the phone and address.
- Maybe add a hoverable modal (daisy dropdown) for calling the phone?
- And of course, hook that into an
to update the call count for that number! ^_^
- And of course, hook that into an
- Create a special base
class calledAlias
string aliases
as a cotr. param -
The goal is to:
- Map these aliases to airtable Selects & MultiSelects (or other entities)
- If an alias is discovered in a description (.contains()), or is a close match, suggest and edit in the table.
- Note: use
when loading and calling theCheckForAliases()
- Note: use
- Create
subclass- Create extensions like
ToAlias(string aliases[]})
that support conversion to definedIAlias
es. - fields
- base_id
- table_id
- record_id (the one that comes from Airtable, if it's possible to get it from a Select)
- Create extensions like
- Want to know:
- How many calls for the Day
- Calls for the weekk
- How much to make up for the week.
- Ideally, show percent completion for: (Doors, Cold Calls, Leads Generation)
- Create a
Page. - Redirect after clicking the call button.
- Add a call button to it.
- Create an edit form so you can update the Lead while in a call.
- Notes should be prominently displayed.
- Statuses:
- Voicemail
- Textback
- Callback
- Callback Time (grab dropdown/calendar from your OrchardCore)
- Set status of Lead (in Airtable) as 'Callback'
- If current state is already 'Callback' in Airtable, increment the call_count, and set state to ' CalledBack' (or equivalent)
- test on your mobile, using your own Webex account (or anything that'll call your mobile)
- Callback Time (grab dropdown/calendar from your OrchardCore)
- Add 'Search Google' option when hovering over an:
- Address & Zip
- Website
- Add 'Search Phone' option when hovering over phones
- Use an online phone book, if possible.
- fallback, search Google for the phone # and see what business pops up.
- Bonus:
- What if I could, with each Google Maps search results, add similar businesses?
- I got the idea from "Abundant Seed Investments".
- Google already recommends them. Maybe Waze also has an API I can use.
- What if I could, with each Google Maps search results, add similar businesses?
- Consider writing a MySQL service in Railway, or perhaps even Turso.
- Investigate: C# Turso driver.
- Add AirtableServices for:
- Leads (Interactions)
- Opportunities (Appointments, Followups, Callbacks, textbacks, closes, etc.)
- setup on linux
- try calling yourself
- Create task from Lead - p1
- Create new todoistTask using Todoist API, under project 'EMG'
- Have todoist set a reminder to blow up my phone with. :) p1
- Set label to whatever the current (relevant) status is (e.g.
, etc.) - p3
- OPTIONAL: add an input box for running a bash cmd on railway.
- maintain a locel repo & database for syncing new leads coming from OCR, regex, etc.
- Create records in a sqlite db so you can stop using the excel.
- query and update all records for the current day to Airtable using their PUT.
- Note: probably no way to use bulk upload, so need to wait ~2.5 seconds per upload.
- May need to write this as a CLI option in your existing app.
- --upload-air Leads.db...
- Finally, Get all Leads and render on Home screen.
- Find out how to copy/paste into a form from the browser/clipboard
- Add a clipboard btn that can copy ClientVine's Contact shape.
- Under the Call button, I'd like the following
- Call count (# of times I called this #) - p1
- Date of last call in red. - p1
- Status of last call (callback, email, text, hung up, DNC, disconnected number, etc) - p2
- A link to the full call history
. - p3 - Time till next callback (for Voicemails and callback Statuses) - p4
- A link to clientvine that auto-copies all relevant details. - p2
- p2 - I'd like to see how many times I've called back in the call history.
- Under business name, I'd like the following
- Website link
- Notes (details expander)
- The phone # related to this Lead.
- Contacts list (details exapnder or menu)
- Save recent searches to localStorage after hitting Submit, right before
fires. clg it to test it; show it in a dropdown, take 5, if possible ... - p4.
- Read
as astring[]
- p2 - Extract out
s thrup4
and sort by priority, desc on the page. - p2 - readonly, for now. Easy way to track. :)
- unlabeled tasks at the bottom labeled (in red) "unsorted"
- tasks that are checked, show at the bottom, disabled or crossed off. p3
- run yarn & Test your asp-fallback scripts (htmx, alpinejs, tw, etc.) (be sure to save your wifi password, first)
- Having a deploy issue right after adding /Logs: last good commit
- Create a /bugs/fixed collage page. Simple grid or bento of your best bug fixes.
- Create a /porfolio path?
- Make a side-by-side with your code vs their code, showing your fix. This can be screengrabs like your Todoist fixes, mockups of stuff from old jobs, etc. stash sidebyside screenies under /img.
- Create a scrolling, virtual resume that takes users through a timeline, describing what you do and where you're at now.
- Create a simple Service and 2 forms and 1 grid to track your applications
- Create a basic stats panel and maybe a graph showing trends.
- Create a grid specifically for applications over 30 days old (for reapplying)
- Copy existing, raw airtable data and use a regex to parse it and load it to your Mysql server.
- Create a re-useable grid that accepts a project name in the curl, and title of grid, and loads only that Todoist project.
- Start using this for Job Hunting.
I want to be able to see my latest Todos and tick them off, without creating a Reschedule problem.
- Add a 'recently added' view
- Add another 'older tasks' view, sorted by Priority
- Fix the searchbar for the main table view.
- Add FuzzySearch powered bar.
- Contacts form and table.
- Exclude Todoist tasks & projects labeled with "fun", "someday", or the like. Include some things, like certain gun tasks and most of my buy list.
- Create a bumping method in TodoistService that bumps priority up to p3 if it's p4 and 30 days old, p2 if 60, and p1 if 90. This will help you sort things out in the long run.
- Create a sample stats (progress %) list showing the ratios of your job applications.
- Bonus Animate as folding tiles (like venetian blinds, or Portal tiles)
- Bonus I want to have all my emails back to 0 in Gmail, and have a basic Puppeteer scraper API ready to save prospective Junior level jobs for application. These can be parsed from the emails themselves (links to the jobs) and can be
- Word wrap the Job Hunt descriptions (names).
- Update Name to Description in Job Hunt? (they appear to be flipped)
- Prioritize P1 tasks in the Full Day / Schedule.
- Create an Instacart Page displaying simple runs calculator and sample (real) calculations.
- Create simple markdown file search; any links to path opens that md file.
- Create a method in ReadmeService that lets you associate Readme.md tasks with pages, and list them in a small table panel.
- Create a basic login service using mysql and email/pwd. It should also allow a 'demo' mode for interviewers. This demo mode can have roles/access, too.
- Create a linux daeomon in C# that does the following:
- Sends you and Mom an email, with a list of todoist or readme tasks completed today.
- Sends a notification at breakfast, lunch, dinner.
- Sends me a random scripture or TPOT from all the .json and .md files I have on drive.
- Performs the Priority bumping
- Use the Bash command + grepper to find all Git repos, and read their statuses in a GitHub Service.
- Create an ObsidianService.cs that uses IMarkdownService and can do a simple live search on files using Grepper. Make a panel that can easily render markdown.
- Create a typeahead on main Index.cshtml page that OmniSearches through all cshtml files and their code content for
what you typed, and provides links, so you can jump to the relevant page. See OpticsPlanet for inspiration.
- This requires that you update your RazorRoutesService to properly generate links (with optional tooltips, see associated Model)
- upgrade your ReadmeService to print out and update specific tasks, on their exact line and SaveAs to README.md.
Optional Upgrade your Personal Daemon service to watch for code changes in a target dir, and control the Hot Reload process (including rude edits)
Colored console logs: https://github.com/tomakita/Colorful.Console - p4
Using an existing RegexService, parse all your .CS files for regex101 link s an the regex patterns that follow. Store to MySql. :)
Prioritize Todoist Tasks based on Distributions, like duration, how many times completed (streaks), etc.
on each tab in a cshtml form, call a
to save the partially filled form to the db, so that there's always a session to come back to on internet failure. -
Hyper Grep serivce that can search keywords across multiple drives (incl google drive) asynchronously and give a breakdown of a) files, b) extensions, directories and c) file contents matching each kind. (use multiple greps and set a range of extensions and key root dirs to search, like Google Drive)
Build your own /obsidian tab that uses the hyper grep and renders Markdown in a similar fashion.
I want to be able to search for any phrase across my drive and organize my folders better, including backing up to USB. Linux is great, but greps and shell scripts are syncronous, while C# and golang are async and can utilize mutliple cores.
I also want a hypergrep service as a NugetPackage, so I can easily parse for Scriptures inside files (TPOT Links)
Dockerize this app - Once I can properly Dockerize my many apps, I should have no trouble keeping them all federated (separated) from each other, while still running on localhost. That way, I can make all my data AND apps portable. So far, they are not, and that sucks. I'm also sick of APIs and paying for Airtable, so I must get crafty and hacky.
I also want the ability to dump all Pocketbase data to a USB anytime (like in an emergency)
I'd also like an Airtable-like layer on top of Pocketbase, if it exists. Maintaing data thru Airtable is grand, but expensive.
I'd also like Todoist integration (WiP)
Neo4j is optional at this point. It was really more effective as a recommendation engine.
Use Google Maps to find main streets and businesses off the beaten path (idk, say, 150+ feet away from the road, maybe the corner businesses not facing the main st., etc.)
Using the HyperGrep, I'd like to...
- Find all occurences of a string.
- Edit the first file with that occurrence.
- Preview other files it might affect, while typing.
- Replacment support for that regex.
- Chunked transforms: Find specific lines using a start and ending regex (already built.) and perform specific transforms from start to end. Usually replacements, but can be something like code generation, mass corrections to malformed data, finding dups (like Airtable does).
- Allow user to queue the replacements and transforms.
- Update the Hydrolizer to create C# props from alpinejs variables it discovers within script tags.
- Investigate: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/dotnet/apis/gmail/v1 - p3
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fTSKtPBLUc
- ..
- ..
- ..
- Form for generating a specific Email greeting for different job titles (Vue)
- Copy/paste button for emai
- P1: Use Import Maps to fix the HUGE LOAD of Javascript into Chrome: Here
- Rescheduler fix: update all your breakfast tasks as done, between the due date and now. Scedule a new breakfast for tomorrow. Run w/ a button
- try making a GET request to Airtable using your new chrome extension.
- tes t your Controllers to see if you can ping them in prod; save down to mysql
- Finish your first ScriptClassAsTable implementation and add to CodeMechanic so you can use it.
- Upload all README.md tasks to its own db in Mysql, then render the table from there, not from README.md. re-Populate on startup, and only show the latest. This will help prioritize coding goals in one easy place. Also, make a search box, using your ToString() trick.
- GET all Jobs from Job Hunt Airtable.
- Show a random Proverb on /Scriptures.
- Sort README.md tasks by length of tabs, and by priority. If no priority exists, default to the count of tabs % 4.
- Start and /Admin folder.
- Start on a View for your CodeMechanic base and tree structure, versions of nuget pkgs, etc.
- Update your web clipper to save programmerhumor.io memes to mysql
- Like this one... [totally me right?] (https://programmerhumor.io/programming-memes/regex-is-the-biggest-flex/)
- p1 - HomeLab - Find a way to redeploy Docker images on BUILD (retaining volumes).
- Test this out with simple node-base image first.
- I want be able to see ALL of my README.md tasks and be able to update them FROM MY HOME server (evantage.sln deploy)
- I'd love to be able to find all STL files on my drives and USBs, and be able to import them into
at the click of a button.
- P2 - Fix your Sharpify CLI to properly install on your local machine...
- Find
on your local drive - Make a migration service for sqlites and mysqls to pocketbase
- One service for each
- Gets all tables from schema
- Creates a new table in
for each table in the (sql) schema. - Runs
on the resultingpocketbase
- auto-publishes a new nuget package
- on command (y/N), pushes the nuget package to
for me.- if existing, finds the version number, then increments it and pushes. (add to Packmutt)
- I would like this upgrade process tested using the
support method I wrote.
- Make a CLI/sh that runs pbcodegen (IF it works perfectly)
- Contribute to pbcodegen
- Make a TaskTreadmill (infinite scroll) component that takes TodoistTasks.
- Deploy a temporary node api that POSTs new tasks to your
pocketbase deployment.- Also, test out bun.js variant of a node api (
bun run start
) on railway.
- Also, test out bun.js variant of a node api (
- Add a sign-in form to your chrome extension.
- Figure out how to sign in as a
user while still in the chrome extension.
- Figure out how to sign in as a
- Add a sample POST to your chrome extension to that deployed justdoit node api.
- Find free animated
library- or, build your own animated svgs! https://www.svgbackgrounds.com/how-to-make-animated-loading-graphics-with-only-svg/
- Create a free Railway template from
- Add a natural language
field to remote pocketbase db.- Figure out how to make Timespan durations in C#.
- Write some LINQ to make a raw Gantt model (C# only, not UI)
- Write a sandbox partial Gantt chart or binary tree
- Candidates:
- https://fperucic.github.io/treant-js/
- https://www.sigmajs.org/ -- this one doesn't use
and instead usesWebGL
for FASTER RENDERING. - https://d3js.org/d3-hierarchy/treehttps://d3js.org/d3-hierarchy/tree (fallback.... :/)
- ...??
- (nice to have) I'd like to have my markdown service / Grepper be able to branch off into multiple threads to attack
each Directory by how large it is, using a
to - (nice to have) background Dockerized container or daemon that automatically creates MS Word copies of .md files
- check raindrop to see if you have that old npm package for converting
- check raindrop to see if you have that old npm package for converting
- Try making this quick form uploading api: https://masteringjs.io/tutorials/express/post
- Try out hot reloading node + Docker
- [ ]https://blog.bencomeau.dev/docker-hot-reloading/ - you might try the refresh always and exploiting volumes
- https://thatstatsguy.github.io/blog/2023/Hot-reloading-a-.Net-Application-in-Docker/
- Tried, but only lets me refresh manually (browser). It DOES detect changes, but I don't see it reloading the service, which is what I want.
- https://thatstatsguy.github.io/blog/2023/Hot-reloading-a-.Net-Application-in-Docker/
- [ ]https://blog.bencomeau.dev/docker-hot-reloading/ - you might try the refresh always and exploiting volumes
- https://medium.com/@simonescigliuzzi/create-a-complete-web-api-set-from-scratch-with-fastify-swagger-and-heroku-c6eb1c293215
- Logging (Rocket)
- I'd like to have my own way to read
errors from the browser and directly feed them to a db. preferably my own library (npm
) overmyget
- I'd like to have my own way to read
- Task treadmill.
- GET and POST for pocketbase.
- deploy and test on phone.