Description: An SQLite and Perl based exome data analyser which will help you to find the Graal
Authors: Thomas Karaouzene
ExSQLibur is a set of modul based on Perl & SQLite program that finds potential disease-causing variants from whole-exome sequencing data.
Starting from a reads file and a set of phenotypes it will align and call genotypes and return vcf files. From these files it will annotate, filter and prioritise likely causative variants. The program does this based on user-defined criteria such as a variant's predicted pathogenicity, frequency of occurrence in a population and also how closely the given phenotype matches the known phenotype of diseased genes from human and model organism data.
perl ExSQLibur NEW \
--project_name [your_project_name]
perl ExSQLibur ADD \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--add_exome [file containing exome project info]
your Exome file must be tab delimited and have these header line:
platform model place date exome_capture comment
Illumina Hiseq2000 Somewhere 08/11/2013 Agilent SureSelect Human All exon v5 no comment
platform, model place and date fields are requiered
perl ExSQLibur ADD \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--add_pathology [file containing pathology description]
your Pathology file must also be tab delimited and have these header line:
name comment
heart_condition it hurts a lot
name field is requiered
perl ExSQLibur ADD \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--add_patient [file containing patient info]
id sex reads_file1 reads_file2 pathology seq_plateforme seq_model seq_place seq_date comment
ID:0001 M ID_0001.1.fastq.gz ID_0001.2.fastq.gz heart_condition Illumina Hiseq2000 Somewhere 08/11/2013 no comment
These 3 steps can be performed in one single command
perl ExSQLibur ADD \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--add_exome [file containing exome project info] \
--add_pathology [file containing pathology description] \
--add_patient [file containing patient info] \
The installation of MAGIC is requiered for this step
perl ExSQLibur ALIGN \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--raw_data [path/to/your/files.fastq] \
--genome [path/to/your/genomeref/directory] \
--magic_source [patho/to/your/magic/source/directory]
perl ExSQLibur CALL \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
perl ExSQLibur ANNOT \
--project_name [your_project_name] \
--fork [Use forking to improve script runtime]
MAGIC ( and variant effect predictor ( are nedeed
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use feature qw(say);
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(rcopy);
use Scalar::Util qw(openhandle);
use File::Basename;