A lightweight Clojure/ClojureScript library designed to bridge the gap between the triad of CLJ/CLJS, web-sockets and core.async.
Include the following in your project.clj
[jarohen/chord "0.7.0"]
Chord now supports EDN, JSON, Transit and Fressian out of the box - please remove dependencies to ‘chord-fressian’ and ‘chord-transit’ if you have them. Thanks to Luke Snape, Jeff Rose and Thomas Getgood for their help supporting these formats!
There is a simple example server/client project under the
directory. The client sends websocket messages to
the server, that get echoed back to the client and written on the
You can run it with lein dev
- an alias that starts up an http-kit
server using Frodo and automatically re-compiles the CLJS.
Once it is running - navigate to http://localhost:3000/ and you should see Send a message to the server:
Chord only has one function, chord.client/ws-ch
, which takes a
web-socket URL and returns a map, containing either :ws-channel
. When the connection opens successfully, this channel then
returns a two-way channel that you can use to communicate with the
web-socket server:
(:require [chord.client :refer [ws-ch]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<! >! put! close!]])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(let [{:keys [ws-channel error]} (<! (ws-ch "ws://localhost:3000/ws"))]
(if-not error
(>! ws-channel "Hello server from client!")
(js/console.log "Error:" (pr-str error)))))
Messages that come from the server are received as a map with a
(let [{:keys [ws-channel]} (<! (ws-ch "ws://localhost:3000/ws"))
{:keys [message]} (<! ws-channel)]
(js/console.log "Got message from server:" (pr-str message))))
Errors in the web-socket channel (i.e. if the server goes away) are
returned as a map with an :error
(let [{:keys [ws-channel]} (<! (ws-ch "ws://localhost:3000/ws"))
{:keys [message error]} (<! ws-channel)]
(if error
(js/console.log "Uh oh:" error)
(js/console.log "Hooray! Message:" (pr-str message)))))
As of 0.3.0, you can pass a :format
option, to pass messages over
the channel as EDN (default), as raw strings, or JSON (0.3.1). Valid
formats are #{:edn :json :json-kw :str :fressian :transit-json}
defaulting to :edn
(If you do use fressian, you’ll need to require chord.format.fressian
in addition to the usual Chord namespaces)
(:require [cljs.core.async :as a])
(ws-ch "ws://localhost:3000/ws"
{:format :json-kw})
As of 0.2.1, you can configure the buffering of the channel by (optionally) passing custom read/write channels, as follows:
(:require [cljs.core.async :as a])
(ws-ch "ws://localhost:3000/ws"
{:read-ch (a/chan (a/sliding-buffer 10))
:write-ch (a/chan 5)})
By default, Chord uses unbuffered channels, like core.async itself.
Chord wraps the websocket support provided by http-kit, a fast Clojure web server compatible with Ring.
N.B. Currently, Ring’s standard Jetty adapter ~does not~ support Websockets. http-kit is a Ring-compatible alternative.
Again, there’s only one entry point to remember here: a wrapper around
http-kit’s with-channel
macro. The only difference is that, rather
than using http-kit’s functions to interface with the channel, you can
use core.async’s primitives.
Chord’s with-channel
is used as follows:
(:require [chord.http-kit :refer [with-channel]]
[clojure.core.async :refer [<! >! put! close! go]])
(defn your-handler [req]
(with-channel req ws-ch
(let [{:keys [message]} (<! ws-ch)]
(prn "Message received:" message)
(>! ws-ch "Hello client from server!")
(close! ws-ch)))))
This can take a :format
option, and custom buffered read/write
channels as well:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(defn your-handler [req]
(with-channel req ws-ch
{:read-ch (a/chan (a/dropping-buffer 10))
:format :str} ; again, :edn is default
(let [{:keys [message]} (<! ws-ch)]
(prn "Message received:" message)
(>! ws-ch "Hello client from server!")
(close! ws-ch)))))
You can also use the wrap-websocket-handler
middleware, which will
put a :ws-channel
key in the request map:
(require '[chord.http-kit :refer [wrap-websocket-handler]]
'[clojure.core.async :as a])
(defn your-handler [{:keys [ws-channel] :as req}]
(let [{:keys [message]} (<! ws-channel)]
(println "Message received:" message)
(>! ws-channel "Hello client from server!")
(close! ws-channel))))
(start-server (-> #'your-handler wrap-websocket-handler) {:port 3000})
You can pass custom channels to wrap-websocket-handler
as a second
(optional) parameter:
(start-server (-> #'your-handler
(wrap-websocket-handler {:read-ch ...}))
{:port 3000})
Yes please! Please submit these in the traditional GitHub manner.
Chord’s contributors are listed in the ChangeLog - thank you all for your help!
Copyright © 2013-2015 James Henderson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.