A simple IRC bot framework written from scratch, in Go.
Event based IRC framework.
The API might break anytime.
- Manages server
requests (notCTCP PING
) - Registers on first
- Identifies on
(event 001) - Joins the received invites & sends a greeting to the channel
- Logs if the bot gets kicked from a channel
- Capability to connect to multiple servers
- Multiple per event callbacks
- State & general logging
- Graceful exit handled either by a
(Ctrl-C) - Parses a user from an IRC formatted
to aUser{}
- Config implements a basic checking on values
- Already implemented basic commands -
, CTCP commands - Many (?) more
An event follows the next schema:
type Event struct {
Raw string // the whole raw line
Code string // the reply code
Source string // the source of the event (server, user)
Arguments []string // the arguments after the event code
User *User // if we can parse a user from the source, add the parsed user here
Message string // if it's a PRIVMSG, add the message here
ReplyTo string // if it's a PRIVMSG, add the recipient here (user or channel)
You can set callbacks for, technically, all events - numeric reply codes (e.g. "001", "900", etc.) or alpha codes (e.g. "NOTICE", "INVITE", etc.).
Note: CTCP events will have the code set to the corresponding CTCP action, not PRIVMSG.
The framework already binds callbacks for:
- 001 - to identify with NickServ
- 900 - to join the channels specified in config
- NOTICE - only the first event, in order to register with the network
- INVITE - joins the channel & greets
Setting up a simple config:
"servers": {
"first": {
"address": "irc.server.tld",
"port": 6667,
"nickname": "gophirc",
"nickserv_password": "my_nick_pass",
"channels": [
"admins": [
Note: a full config example can be found in the config/config.json.example
Setting a simple bot:
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
conf, _ := config.Parse("config.json")
irc := gophirc.New(conf.Servers["name"], &wg)
Note: error handling remains an exercise for the reader
Setting up a callback to respond to a CTCP VERSION:
irc.AddEventCallback("VERSION", func(e *gophirc.Event) {
irc.Notice(e.User.Nick, "\001My own Go bot!\001")
Setting up a callback to check for custom messages:
irc.AddEventCallback("PRIVMSG", func(e *gophirc.Event) {
replyTo := e.Arguments[0]
message := strings.Join(e.Arguments[1:], " ")[1:]
switch message {
case "shrug":
irc.PrivMsg(replyTo, `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`)
For more examples on usage, please see gophircbot.
- Add tests
- Config
- User
- Logger
- Helpers
- commands
- Add defaults
- Nickname, Username, Realname
- Parse CTCP messages into events
- Add more commands:
, etc. - Add regex matching for
nicknames, channels - Connect Multiple servers
- Add ignored users